Inglês, perguntado por andraderaquel167, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando DO, DON'T, DOES ou DOESN'T.

a) ______ Pedro listen to pop music?

b) Helen and Bia______ like mice.

c) _______ Sarah and Carol speak English?

d) _______ your father have a car?

e) We _______ go to school on Sunday

f) ________ your brother like on pop corn?

g) My Sister ________ tidy her room.

h) ________ Michael and Kelly go to fast food restaurants?

i) Dave and Brian ________ eat fish?

j) _________ Kate help her mother?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amandaalmeida1809



a= does

b= don´t

c= does

d= does

e= don´t

f= does

g= doesn´t

h= does

i= don´t

j= does

- Espero ter ajudado ;)

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