Inglês, perguntado por gelsk8, 1 ano atrás

Complete as frases usando ( can, can't , be able to , not be able to , will be able to , will not be able to )
Ajudem por favor


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Corsair
a) Bugs can´t talk
b) Children can´t drive
c) I can play the guitar, but Mary can´t
d) I will not be able to travel this vacation. Its too expensive.
e) I don´t know the answer. Can you tell me?
f) Tony will not be able to go to the movies with you tonight, he has to study for a test.
g) Tina prepares a good lasagna. She can cook pretty well.
h) Excuse me, we can´t see the movie.
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