Inglês, perguntado por Anônimo1414, 10 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando as certas categorias de perguntas:

a) Lucas is a good soccer player, _______________ ?
b) Sheila and her sister have seen a drama film, _______________?
c) My father eats his breakfast at 6:30, _______________?
d) You won't travel tomorrow, _______________?
e) I can't run faster, _______________?
f) We weren't sick yesterday, _______________?
g) He had a bad headache last week, _______________?
h) They are going home from school, _______________?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marianalbs
a) isn't he?
b) haven't they?
c) doesn't he?
d) will you?
e) can I?
f) were we?
g) didn't he?
h) aren't they?
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