Inglês, perguntado por kauanialovisi, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando a regra do ING
Não esqueça de colocar o verbo To Be (Am, is, are) antes do verbo principal Ex:
Mark is riding a bike today
Alguns verbos sofrem alterações; ( Terminados em E, retira-se o E: take-taking)
Fique atento nas negativas (Am not, isn't, aren't)
1- Coloque o verbo entre parênteses no Present Continuous
a) The Children
in the garden (play).
b) She
fast today (drive)
c) They
each other today (not talk).
d) Bo quiet please. The baby
e) Al the moment my wife
the dogs and I
the plants (feed/water).
the letter again? Because I
for spelling mistakes (you read/check).
g) The sky
dark. You'd better take an umbrella (get).
h) John
at the momet. He
a comic book (not study/read)
i) Where is Carla? She
in the living room. What
? She
(sit/she do/ watch)
) What a nico dress you
today (wear)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tiredAstrologger


a) The children is playing in the garden.

b) She is driving fast today.

c) They are not talking each other today.

d) Be quiet please. The baby is sleeping.

e) At the moment my  wife is feeding the dogs and I am watering the plants.

f) Why are you reading the letter again? Because I am checking for spelling mistakes.

g) The sky is getting dark. You'd better take an umbrella.

h) John is not studying at the moment. He is reading a comic book.

i) Where is Carla? She is sitting in the living room. What is she doing? She is watching television.

j) What a nice dress you wearing today.

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