Inglês, perguntado por 083981754838amor, 6 meses atrás

complete as frases do "Present Continuous" . (am,is)
a) Erica in a store. (work+)
b) My Mother a slice of pizza. (eat+)
c) I to the bank. (go-)
d) Bob vídeo game. (play-)
e) I geography with my friend. (study+)
f) Melissa a pair of red shoes. (wear-)
g) My Graundpa a cup of coffe. (drink+)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fmpontes93


Lembre-se de que a estrutura de uma oração na forma afirmativa do Present Continuous é: Subject + am/is/are + verb-ing.

Vejamos como ficam as frases em cada item:

a) Erica is working in a store.

b) My mother is eating a slice of pizza.

c) I'm going to the bank.

d) Bob is playing video game.

e) I'm studying geography with my friend.

f) Melissa is wearing a pair of red shoes.

g) My grandpa is drinking a cup of coffee.

Respondido por gustmelo92
erica is working in a store
is eating a slice of pizza
am going to the bank
is playing video game
am studying
is wearing
is drinking

present continuous auxiliary verb to BE + main verb in the ING form or Gerund! to study = studying
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