Inglês, perguntado por GlendaRenata, 10 meses atrás

Complete as frases corretamente de acordo com as regras do artigo definido THE quando


a) _____ Pacific is ___ most extensive ocean.

b) _____ Bronsons are a big family.

c) _____ Ana loves chocolate.

d) _____ Gurupi River is very beautiful.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por shorasteh


a. The Pacific is the most extensive ocean.

b. The Bronsons are a big family.

c. --

d. The Gurupi River is very beautiful.​

GlendaRenata: a C nao entra o The?
Respondido por bia612965
a ) the ... the
b ) the
c ) ——-
d ) the
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