Inglês, perguntado por umjovemexcepiciol, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases corretamente:
1-Jenny ____ very well. She is a very talented girl.
( )skate.
( )skates.
( )Skating.
2-__ you ___ in the werewolf? No, I don’t. I think it’s just a myth.
( ) do_ believe.
( )does_ believe.
( )does_ believing.
3-Mr. Bill ___ to work. He is a very dangerous gangster.
( )doesn't likes.
( )don't like.
( )like.
( )doesn't.
4-Men say that women never invent things, but scientists _____________ agree.
( )does not.
( )are not.
( )do not.
( )did not.
5-Birds often____________ the stars.
( ) is following.
( )are following.
( )follow.
( )follows.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por babiguima19


1- skates

2- do_believe

3- acho q seria doesn't like, mas não tem essa alternativa

4- do not

5- are following

espero ter ajudado!

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