Inglês, perguntado por lolalala58, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases com WOULD ou WOUDN’T acrescentando o verbo entre parênteses: If someone pointed a gun at me, I honestly ___________(not know) what to do! _________(you like) to go on a picnic with us tomorrow? I_____________(not be) here now if this meeting weren’t so importante. Too bad it’s rainnig; otherwise I__________(be) playing football whit my friends

calaaboca7899: If someone pointed a gun at me, I honestly would not know

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Respondido por calaaboca7899

Resposta:If someone pointed a gun at me, I honestly would not know what to do!

wouldn't you like to go on a picnic with us tomorrow?

i would not be here if this meeting weren’t so important

Too bad it’s rainnig; otherwise I woldn't be playing football with my friends

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