Inglês, perguntado por levibasangmailcom, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases com WHO, WHOM, WHICH ou WHOSE.
1. The car.......................………………………………………'re looking at is mine.

2. That is the picture for…………………………………………………I looked yesterday. 

3. That is the book …………………………………………………..I looked for yesterday. 

4. That is the house………………………………………….………gardens are beautiful. 

5.  That is the man from……………………………………………………..I bought the car. 

6. That is the man………………………………………………children are nice students. 

7.  Is this the cat…………………………………………………………you wanted to buy? 

8. She is the girl……………………………………..……………..……father is Paul North. 

9. The boy………………………………..……. I saw yesterday is the teacher's son. 

10. The man about………………………………………………..………we're talking is rich. 

11. George Amado is the author........................books are very realistic. 

12. That is the is huge. 

13. The're talking about is very expensive. 

14. Is that the boy....................... you wanted to date? 

15. The man looked is my father. 

16. The woman to.................. you're talking is my mother. 

17. The book for………………he's been looking is expensive. 

18. That is the man……………… car I bought last month. 

19. The girl about……………… you're talking is very beautiful. 

20. Edmond Halley was the scientist…………………predicted the appearance of the     comet in 1758.​

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