Inglês, perguntado por pietraamorimmotta, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases com WAS , WERE , THERE WAS ou THERE WERE (v= 3,2)
1) _______________________ a good party yesterday.
2) Mr. and Mrs. Gomes _______________ in Rio last weekend.
3) _______________________ beautiful houses here in the past.
4) The school _________________ closed yesterday.
5) The students _________________ at the online class yesterday.
6) ___________________ no computers in the past.
7) I ________________ very tired yesterday.
8) ______________________ more respect in the past.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por morganastyless

1) was a good party yesterday.

2) Mr. and Mrs. Gomes were in Rio last weekend.

3) there was beautiful houses here in the past.

4) The school was closed yesterday.

5) The students was at the online class yesterday.

6) there was no computers in the past.

7) I was very tired yesterday.

8) there were more respect in the past.

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