Inglês, perguntado por erikasilvaa2006, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases com verbo can no presente ou passado
1 - ____________ you speak English? (Você pode falar inglês?)
2 – Don’t worry! I ____________ solve this problem. (Não se preocupe! Eu
posso resolver esse problema)
3 – She _______________ travel with you. (Ela não pode viajar com você)
4 - __________ we park here? (Nós podemos estacionar aqui?)
5 – He _______________ play baskteball now because he hurt his knee. (Ele
não pode jogar basquete porque ele machucou o joelho.)
6 - ____________ you drive? (Você podia dirigir?)
7- I ____________ go. (Eu não podia ir.)
8 – I ___________ leave when she called. I was to busy.(Eu não podia ir
quando ela chamou. Eu estava muito ocupado.)
9 – Instead of going out, we _________________stay at home. ( Em vez de
sair, nós podíamos ficar em casa.)
10 – She_____________ dance because she had a broken ankle. ( Ela não
podia dançar porque tinha quebrado o tornozelo.)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por biby47

1-You can speak English?

2-Do not worry! Me

can i solve this problem

3-She can't travel with you

4-Can we park here?

5-He can't play basketball because he hurt his knee.

6-Could you drive?

7-I couldn't go.

8-I couldn't go when she called. I was very busy.

9-Rather than leave, we could stay at home.

10-She does not I could dance because she had broken her ankle.

Espero ter ajudado!!!(◕ᴗ◕✿)

erikasilvaa2006: obggg
biby47: dnd ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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