Inglês, perguntado por samuelwhittywiky, 8 meses atrás

. Complete as frases com TO BE + going to.
Exemplo: I/ eat banana = I AM GOING TO EAT BANANA.
a. He ____________________________________________buy a car.
b. It _____________________________________________ eat the green
c. We ____________________________________________ go out for a
d. You ____________________________________________ ride a horse.
e. They ___________________________________________ swim.
f. You ____________________________________________ go to school.
g. She ____________________________________________ get married.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Marygug


Olá, boa noite

a) He is going to buy a car

b) It is going to eat the green grass.

c) We are going to go out for a walk

d) You are going to ride a horse

e) They are going to swim

f) You are going to go to school

g) She is going to get married

Espero que tenha entendido, bons estudos <3

samuelwhittywiky: Olá! Obrigado eu conseguir entender sim.
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