Inglês, perguntado por gabuchiha, 11 meses atrás

Complete as frases com somebody,something,anything e anybody,

Complete as frases com somebody,something,anything e anybody,
1) I know                                    who can delp you2) I have                                   Important to tell you 3)Did I say                               wing?4) Did you find                       in the purse5)Is the                                     in the box6)I can´t help                           now7) I there                                  at home 8) There  isn´t                           studying in the room9) I can Hungry . Is there                     to exit?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AndersonBiersack
1) Somebody
2) Something
3) Anything 
4) Something
5) Something
6) Anything
7) Somebody
8) Nobody
9) Something
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