Inglês, perguntado por Gabrielgomes12, 1 ano atrás

Complete as frases com pronomes reflexivos ou enfaticos URGENTEEEE


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MariaLopez

MariaLopez: Saiu tudo bagunçado: Itself - yourself - ourselves - myself - himself - herself - theirselves
Respondido por lalasalmeida


01 – Complete as frases com os pronomes reflexivos ou enfáticos apropriados.

a) Money itself isn’t the solution to all the problems.

b) If you keep riding so fast, you’ll fall and hurt yourself.  

c) Peter and I bought all the ingredients themselves.

d) I myself decorated that apartment. Did you like it?

e) The boy himself fixed the broken lock.

f) She made her dress for the party herself.

g) My neighbors themselves cut the grass in their garden

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