Inglês, perguntado por anonimadobrasil, 11 meses atrás

Complete as frases com os verbos no Simple past: WANTED/ PLAYED/ SCORED/FINISHED

1. The film_______ at 8:00 pm
2. We really _______ to win.
3. I _______ for the freshman team.
4. I ______ our touch down.
A alternativa que contempla o preenchimento correto é:

a) played/ finished/ wanted/ scored
b) finished/ wanted/ played/ scored
c) scored/ played/ finished/ wanted
d) finished/ scored/ wanted/ played
é até hojeee

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por neto2004pd80mn

Resposta: Letra) B) Finished/ wanted/ played/ scored

Explicação: 1) The film finished at 8:00 pm

2) We really wanted to win

3) I played for the freshman team

4) I scored our touch down


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