Inglês, perguntado por gabrielfmoura20, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases com os verbos no passado-(Simple Past)​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por estersilva874

Resposta:1 lived

2 went

3 understanded

4 stayed

5 studied

6 teachied

7 swimmed

8 maked

9 watched

10 bought


Respondido por qsl100

1- She __ in Canada last yea.r (lived)

2- Не __ to the club last night. (went)

3- I __ the lesson (understood)

4- Mary and Paul __ home. (stayed)

5- Susan __ chemistry. (studied)

6- The teacher __ the homework. (taught)

7- Jack __ in the pool (swam)

8- She __ a delicious cake (made)

9. They __ tv last night ( watched)

10- Не __ a new car (bought)

qsl100: Esta resposta está correcta.
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