Inglês, perguntado por Candido129, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses usando o Will Future:

A) We__(not write)a lettler to Julia sometime this week
B) I__(not close) window then
C) Mim, I'm promising... I__(not mesa up)my bedroom anymore
D) I am sure I__(not pass)the exame next year
E) Tomorrow It __(snow)
F) We__(write)a letter to Julia dometime this week
G) Até tou cole? I__(close) this window
H)Mum, I'm promising...__I (tidy) my bedroom more often
I) I hope I__(pass) the exame next year

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por emilyalvesc


a) We are not writing a lettler to Julia sometime this week

b) I won't close the window then

c) Mim, I'm promising... I won't mess up my bedroom anymore

d) I am sure I won't pass the exame next year

e) Tomorrow It will snow

f) We are going to write a letter to Julia dometime this week

g) Até tou cole? I'm closing this window

h) Mum, I'm promising... I'll tidy my bedroom more often

i) I hope I'll pass the exame next year

Tomara que tenha ajudado ψ !!

Respondido por rcezare


A) We won't write a lettler to Julia sometime this week .

B) I won't close window then.

C) Mum, I'm promising... I won't mess up my bedroom anymore.

D) I am sure I won't pass the exame next year.

E) Tomorrow It will snow.

F) We will write a letter to Julia sometime this week .

G) Are you cold? I will close this window .

H) Mum, I'm promising... I will tidy my bedroom more often .

I) I hope I will pass  the exame next year.

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