Inglês, perguntado por edmar372, 9 meses atrás

complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no simple present
a)the bus at 8 o' clock (stop)
b)I.........speak english and portuguese(speak)
c)my grandfather..........after lunch (relax)
d)Lisa...........a lot Every day (study)

Usuário anônimo: a) the bus stops here at 8 o' clock (stop)
b) I speak english and portuguese (speak)
c) my grandfather relaxes after lunch (relax)
d) Lisa studies a lot Every day (study)
edmar372: obg

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SplishBR

a)The bus stops here at 8 o' clock

b)I speak english and portuguese

c)my grandfather relaxes after lunch

d)Lisa studies a lot every day

Toque no obrigado caso eu tenho ajudado :)

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