Inglês, perguntado por BrendaHathaway, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases com os adjetivos possessivos correspondentes:

a. The dog wants dog' s house back.

b. Mr. Arnold my new English teacher likes house on the mountain.

c. Did you know that best friend moved to San Francisco, California.

d. They always forget book at home!

e. We must do home work before the teacher arrives!

f. She likes to clean house every Sunday.

g. Joe knows how to fix bicycle without any kind of help.

h. Mary wants to move with grandma to Minnesota

i. We always go on vacation with friends.

j. What did you say? Isn' t that house?.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 8b2f218ca5


a. its

b. his

c. my

d. their

e. our

f. her

g. him

h. her

i. our

j. your

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