Inglês, perguntado por raissaap06, 1 ano atrás

complete as frases com o verbo to be [on, is, are ] e com os verbos no present continuous
[dancing, sons, playing, learning, studyng, teaching, friends, morried]
A joshua --------- ----------------- the guitar . he loves rock n roll but dornsen t play verry well, he ------------- still ------------- how to play it
B They are Carlos and Adriana. they are great dacer. they ------ -------------- tango at an internacional festival. carlos and adriana --------- ------------ and thay have two --------- -----------

OBS esses trassos e a palavra que tem que ser colocada os que tem dois e o verbo to be e o outro o verbo do present continuous

Por favor me ajudem preciso da rersposta para daki a meia hora

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GiGiudice
Joshua IS PLAYING the guitar . He loves rock n roll but dornsen t play verry well, he IS still LEARNING how to play it.
B They are Carlos and Adriana. They are great dacer. they ARE DANCING tango at an internacional festival. Carlos and Adriana ARE MARRIED and they have two SONS.

Acho que é isso, espero ter ajudado!! //Giovana

raissaap06: Muitoo obrigada mesmo vc me ajudou muito
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