Inglês, perguntado por Poseidon4011, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases com o verbo to be na forma longa e contraída.

a) They ______ in the garden. They ______ in the garden.

b) She _______ at home. She _______ at home.

c) We ________ happy. We ________ happy.

d) I __________ hungry. I __________ hungry.

e) He ________ at home. He ________ at home.

2. Complete o texto com o verbo to be (am, is ou are).

Hello, I _______ Nick and this ______Peter. We______ friends. Peter_______ nine

and I______ ten. Peter and I _______from Salvador. We ______students at Anglo


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Verb ''to be''

1. Verb ''to be''

a) They are in the garden. They're in the garden.

b) She is  at home. She's at home.

c) We are happy. We're happy.

d) I am hungry. I'm hungry.

e) He is at home. He's at home.

2. Verb ''to be''

Hello, I am Nick and this is  Peter. We are friends. Peter is nine and I am ten. Peter and I are from Salvador. We are students at Anglo School.

⇒⇒ Verb to be - simple present (ser - estar)


I am ..

You are ...

He is ...

She is ...

It is ...

We are ...

You are ...

They are ...


Am I....... ? .  

Are you...?  

Is he...?  

Is she ... ?  

Is it ...?  

Are we ...?  

Are you ... ?  

Are they ...?


I am not...

You are not ...

He is not ...

She is not ...

It is not ...

We are not ...

You are not ...

They are not ...

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