Inglês, perguntado por Ziporaa, 7 meses atrás

Complete as frases com o verb to be na forma negativa do passado:Use wasn't ou weren't.

A)jack and bill___good friends.
B)jack____at school last year
C)she____happy with the new dress.
D)they____in class yesterday.
E)they____in the library yesterday.
F)I____very tired last night.
G)she____very beautiful before the accident.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardaonsilva

Resposta:A) Jack and Bill were good friends.

B) jack studied at school last year

C) she was happy with the new dress.

D) they missed yesterday's class.

E) they walked in the library yesterday.

F) I am very tired last night.

G) she was very beautiful before the accident.


Respondido por army943


a) Jack and Bill weren't good friends

b) Jack wasn't at school last year.

c) She wasn't happy with the new dress.

d) They weren't in class yesterday.

e) They weren't in the library yesterday.

f) I wasn't very tired last night.

g) She wasn't very beautiful before the accident.

Espero ter ajudado de alguma forma!!


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