Inglês, perguntado por Langr, 7 meses atrás

Complete as frases com o sujeito e verbo do parenteses observando se são  afirmativas, negativas ou perguntas . Use going to + verbo
1. (I, wear)                                                            my new jacket tonight.
2. (Ann, visit)                                                      her mother tomorrow.
3. I invited Jane to come to our party, but (she, study)         for her Chemistry test.
4. (they, give)                                    a speech at the conference tomorrow?
5. (we, play)                                                    in a jazz concert tonight.
6. (I, not, call)                                                    her after lunch.
7. (you, cook)                                               What  for dinner?
8. (he, travel)                                                  to Italy next Friday.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marcsfernando


1. (I, wear)    I'm going to wear  my new jacket tonight.

2- (Ann, visit)  Anny is going to visit her mother tomorrow.

3. I invited Jane to come to our party, but (she, study)     She is going to study   for her Chemistry test.

4. (they, give)    Are they going to give a speech at the conference tomorrow?

5. (we, play) We are going to play in a jazz concert tonight.

(I, not, call)     I'm not going to call   her after lunch.

7. (you, cook)  Are you going to cook   What  for dinner? ( eu diria assim: What are you going to cook for dinner)

8. (he, travel)    He is going to travel  to Italy next Friday.


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