Inglês, perguntado por MatheusBRAC, 1 ano atrás

Complete as frases com o futuro

Wake me up by nine o'clock - I _________________ (have) long sleep by then

Look, I can give you a lift to the station. I _________________(drive) that way anyway

Don't phone me bwtween 7 an 8. I ___________(take) a nap then.

Tomorrow afternoon, we______________(play) tennis from 3 until 4:30 so at 4 0'clock, web ___________________(play) tennis.

She ___________(read) the letler by the time I get home

The meeting_________________(take) place at 6pm.

This time tomorrow, we__________________(celebrate) because we________(finish) exams.

There's no point in going now. The bus___________(leave) by the time we get there

My cousins__________(fly) to Brazil this summer, They already have the tickets

Let's wait for Tim to arrive and then we____________(have) dinner

I'm going on holiday on Saturday. This time next week. I________________(lie) on a beach or swimming in the sea.

Perhaps Fred's Car is in the garage. He__________(take) the bus to get home.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amandinhasteyer
Wake me up by nine o'clock - I'm having  (have) long sleep by then

Look, I can give you a lift to the station. I'm driving (drive) that way anyway

Don't phone me bwtween 7 an 8. I 'm taking (take) a nap then.

Tomorrow afternoon, we' re playing (play) tennis from 3 until 4:30 so at 4 0'clock, we're playing (play) tennis.

She's reading (read) the letler by the time I get home

The meeting're taking (take) place at 6pm.

This time tomorrow, we're celebrating (celebrate) because we're finishing (finish) exams.

There's no point in going now. The bus leaving (leave) by the time we get there

My cousins're flying (fly) to Brazil this summer, They already have the tickets

Let's wait for Tim to arrive and then we're having(have) dinner

I'm going on holiday on Saturday. This time next week. I'm ling (lie) on a beach or swimming in the sea.

Perhaps Fred's Car is in the garage. He's taking (take) the bus to get home.  Para o futuro vc precisa do verb to be + ing 
Exemplo :
I _____ (play) voleyball
I'm playing voleyball, você coloca ( are/re is/s...) e ing no verbo :) 
Espero ter ajudado
Respondido por Usuário anônimo
Will have Will drive Will take Will play Will play Will read Will take Will celebrate Will finish Will leave Will fly Will have Will lie Will take
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