Complete as frases com o Comparativo de Igualdade e depois passe para o Comp. de Inferioridade e por fim para o Comp. de Superioridade. Os adjetivos longos estão marcados com*. He ---------------------------------- I am. ( young ) I = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This metal --------------------------------- gold. ( valuable*) I = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Smith ------------------------------ you. ( old) I = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane and Mary ---------------------------------- her sister.( attractive*) I = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This book ----------------------------------- the last one we used. ( good) I = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete as frases com o Simple Future e depois passe para as formas negative e interrogativa. He ------------------------------- you tomorrow.( to call = telefonar) N = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They --------------------------------- us in the morning. ( to see = ver) N = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ---------------------------------------- you that money tomorrow. ( to give = dar) N = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We -------------------------------- in Mexico about a month. ( to remain = ficar/ permanecer) N = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You ----------------------------- a great deal in that course. ( to learn = aprender) N = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete as frases com o Immediate Future e depois passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa. They ----------------------------- us next weekend. ( to visit = visitar ) N = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We -------------------------------------- out tonight. ( to eat = comer) N = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I -------------------------------------------- for Europe on Tuesday. ( to leave = partir) N = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ He ----------------------------------------- to be a doctor. ( to be = ser/ estar) N = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We ------------------------------------------------ early tomorrow morning.( to get up = levantar) N = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Comparatives
⇒⇒ Simple Future (will)
⇒⇒ Immediate Future (going to)
→→ Complete as frases com o Comparativo de Igualdade e depois passe para o Comp. de Inferioridade e por fim para o Comp. de Superioridade. Os adjetivos longos estão marcados com*.
He is as young as I am. ( young )
I = He is not as young as I am.
S = He is younger than me.
This metal is as valuable as gold. ( valuable*)
I = This metal is not as valuable as gold.
S = This metal is more valuable than gold.
Mr. Smith is as old as you. ( old)
I = Mr. Smith is not as old as you.
S = Mr. Smith is older than you.
Jane and Mary are as attractive as her sister.( attractive*)
I = Jane and Mary aren't as attractive as her sister.
S = Jane and Mary are more attractive as her sister.
(não seria ''their sister'' ?)
This book as good as the last one we used. ( good)
I = This book isn't as good as the last one we used to read.
S = This book is better than the last one we used to read.
→→ Complete as frases com o Simple Future e depois passe para as formas negative e interrogativa. (will not = won't)
He will call you tomorrow.( to call = telefonar)
N = He will not call you tomorrow.
I = Will he call you tomorrow?
They will see us in the morning. ( to see = ver)
N = They won't see us in the morning.
I = Will they see us in the morning?
I will give you that money tomorrow. ( to give = dar)
N = I won't give you that money tomorrow.
I = Will I give you that money tomorrow?
We will remain in Mexico about a month. ( to remain = ficar/ permanecer)
N = We won't remain in Mexico about a month
I = Will we remain in Mexico about a month?
You will learn a great deal in that course. ( to learn = aprender)
N = You won't learn a great deal in that course.
I = Will you learn a great deal in that course?
→→ Complete as frases com o Immediate Future e depois passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa. (are not = aren't / is not = isn't)
They are going to visit us next weekend. ( to visit = visitar )
N = They are not going to visit us next weekend.
I = Are they going to visit us next weekend?
We are going to eat out tonight. ( to eat = comer)
N = We aren't going to eat out tonight.
I = Are we going to eat out tonight?
I am going to leave for Europe on Tuesday. ( to leave = partir)
N = I'm not going to leave for Europe on Tuesday.
I = Am I going to leave for Europe on Tuesday?
He is going to be a doctor. ( to be = ser/ estar)
N = He isn't going to be a doctor.
I = Is he going to be a doctor?
We are going to get up early tomorrow morning.( to get up = levantar)
N = We aren't going to get up early tomorrow morning.
I = Are we going to get up early tomorrow morning?
→→ Future with going to >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.
Estrutura do futuro com ''going to''
Sujeito + verbo to be + going to + verbo + complemento
Paul is going to arrive late.
→→ Future with ''will'' >> futuro incerto - não planejado
Estrutura do futuro com ''will''
Sujeito + will + verbo + complemento
James will travel to Uruguay next year.
→→ ''Going to'' e ''will'' também podem ser usados para fazer previsões.
I am going to be a doctor.
Eu vou ser médica.
I will have a brand new car next year.
Eu vou ter um carro novo no ano que vem .
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