Inglês, perguntado por geovannamsag, 11 meses atrás

complete as frases com have ou has
a)I____ worked here for five years
b)Alice____ been married for three months
c)They____painted this wall for hours

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaelaleaosm


I have worked here for five years.

Alice has been married for three monsths

They have painted this wall for hours.

Has serve apenas pra She e He. She= ela. Alice é ela, só que chamada pelo nome, então seria has apenas na frase da Alice. Assim serve aos outros, has pode ser she, he e algum nome podendo se classificar em she ou he na frase.

Espero ter ajudado <3

rafaelaleaosm: months* dscp
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