Inglês, perguntado por maianeestefanes, 11 meses atrás

complete as frases com : do don't, does ou doesn't.
a) My mother likes chocolate, but she____ like discuits .
b) What____ the children wear at your school ?
c) _____ my, father watches bad Minton on tv ?
d) where____the masons buy their fruit ?
e) ____the cat like to sleep on the sofa ?
f) doga love bones, but we _____eat hamburgers .
g) where _____ San and ben hide their CDs ?
i) ____ mrs Miller read magazines ?
j) the boys play cricket outside ?
k) where _____ barbara work?
l) she _____ work at a private shool .
M) ____ Charles teach math in the morning ?
n) we ____ have much money.

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Respondido por marquessouzasophiaa




acho q ta certo espero q ajude

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