Inglês, perguntado por princesinhamonp6hgg0, 10 meses atrás

Complete as frases com as preposições corretas:
1) I cant believe i'd never heard____ this city. The food and the houses are characteristic___ European towns, but its right in the middle of Brazil

2) I'm really impressed___ Timmy. He went___ that tree in almost no time

3)The last time i heard___ Tom, he was moving___ of Clifsend. He had always dreamed___ working as an actor on Broadway

4) Our little town is famous___ its food and hospitality. You'll find the best lamb stew of the country__ Bacon Bros. Diner

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CarlosESB1
1) I cant believe i'd never heard from this city. The food and the houses are characteristic from European towns, but its right in the middle of Brazil

2) I'm really impressed to Timmy. He went to that tree in almost no time

3)The last time i heard from Tom, he was moving out of Clifsend. He had always dreamed with working as an actor on Broadway

4) Our little town is famous for its food and hospitality. You'll find the best lamb stew of the country at Bacon Bros. Diner

CarlosESB1: Arrumei!
princesinhamonp6hgg0: obrigada!
Respondido por Alexv11

Seguem abaixo cada uma das sentenças em inglês preenchidas com a preposição correta;

  • 1) I can't believe i'd never heard  of this city. The food and the houses are characteristic  from European towns, but its right in the middle of Brazil.

  • 2) I'm really impressed with Timmy. He went to that tree in almost no time.

  • 3) The last time i heard from Tom, he was moving out of Clifsend. He had always dreamed of working as an actor on Broadway.

  • 4) Our little town is famous for its food and hospitality. You'll find the best lamb stew of the country at Bacon Bros. Diner.


As preposições em inglês nada mais são do que palavras que irão indicar a localização, tempo, frequência e entre outras coisas dentro de cada sentença. Sendo assim, temos algumas palavras, por exemplo, para falar da origem de algo, e essa palavra é o "from".

Um exemplo de uso da palavra from é na seguinte sentença:

  • I'm from São Paulo.

Segue abaixo a tradução da mesma sentença:

  • Eu sou de São Paulo.

Como verificamos, o uso de from se relaciona diretamente com a palavra "de" na língua portuguesa.

Leia mais sobre prepositions aqui:


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