Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases com as palavras abaixo :

Explosion lightning avalanche eruption eartquake

1 Last Sunday we wanted to go skiing, but we couldn't because in the
mountains there was an __________

2 In our country people have very strong buildings because we of ten have _________

3 Mum went shopping yesterday afternoon and she was very frightened. In the car park there was an _________
and nobody knew what it was

4 I saw on TV that yesterday there was an _________ on an
island in the Pacific and hot lava came down the volcano.

5 My little sister is afraid of
__________ so when there is a bad storm she always hides.​

Me ajudem por favor
O assunto é Natural Disasters = Desastres Naturais
Não responda se não souber , por favor !​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fofysiguana


Boa tarde!

1- Alavanche

2- Earthquake

3-  Explosion

4-  Eruption

5- Lightning

Espero ter ajudado! Boa semana!

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