Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

Complete as frases com a forma comparativa é superlativa dos adjetivos indicados.

a) Peter plays very well. He os ( I ) player in the team. (good)

b) Sarah sings very well. She sings (II) you. (good)

c) My car is (III) John's car. (bad)

d) This movie is terriblel I think It is (IV) movie of the year! (bad)

e) We had tô walk (V) the map indicated. (Far)

f) Neptune os (VI) planet from Earth. (Far)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vidi413
he's the best player
she sings Better than you
my car is worse than John's car
I think it's the worst movie of the year
we had to walk further the map indicated
nepture is the furthest planet from earth
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