Inglês, perguntado por ramosnayllini, 6 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo usando o presente simples

f) Good kids ______ (to brush) their teeth and ______ (to wash) their hands.
g) Sally _______ (to play) cards every day.
h) Wars _________(to destroy) cities and lives.
i) Ms. Kate often _________ (to drinks) milk.
j) Men __________(to like) football.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por henriquer145


f) Good kids brush their teeth and wash their hands.

g) Sally plays cards every day.

h) Wars destroy cities and lives.

i) Ms. Kate often drinks milk.

j) Men like football.

Respondido por Haslam


F) Brush


G) plays

H) destroy

I) drinks

J) like

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