Inglês, perguntado por bmonteiro2006pcsbzo, 3 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo com os Pronomes Reflexivos:

a. I have to solve it _______________.
b. Andy excused _______________.
c. We can defend _______________.
d. You can do it _______________.
e. The door locks by _______________. f. She often talks to _______________.
g. My horse came home
h. Are you enjoying _______________?
i. I was ashamed of _______________.
j. They found it

Me ajudem​ !!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. I have to solve it myself.

b. Andy excused himself.

c. We can defend ourselves.

d. You can do it yourself.

e. The door locks by itself.

f. She often talks to herself.

g. My horse came home by itself.

h. Are you enjoying yourselves?

i. I was ashamed of myself.

j. They found it themselves.

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