Inglês, perguntado por zBrwnaax, 10 meses atrás

complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes possessivos ou adjetivos possessivos adequados
a) you prefer my car, but i prefer ....
b) this is my book. it's ....
c) the house belongs to John and Mary. It's ...
d) she is Fernanda Montenegro, but .... real name is Arlete Torres.
e) you are Grande Otelo, but .... real name is Sebastião Prata.
f) he is Ringo Star, but .... real name is Richard Stakney
g) you are Gal, but .... real name is Maria da Graça
h) we are Pele and Zico, but .... real names are Edson and Arthur

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Teagod
A) yours
B) mine
C) theirs
D) her
E) your
F) his
G) your
H) our
Respondido por CharliGabby

Resposta:) your's

B) mine's

C) their's

D) her's

E) you'r

F) hi's

G) you'r

H) our's

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