Inglês, perguntado por keilamaiaf, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo com o presente simples dos verbos em parênteses,faça a tradução e, depois, passe-as para as formas interrogativa e negativa:

1- I ______________ in the school library in the afternoon. ( to work) library= biblioteca Tradução: ___________________________________________________________

Interrogativa: ________________________________________________________

Negativa: ____________________________________________________________

2- She _________________ her car very well. ( to drive)

Tradução: ____________________________________________________________

Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________

Negativa: _____________________________________________________________

3- Peter ________________to eat sandwiches at night. ( to like)

Tradução: ____________________________________________________________

Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________

Negativa: _____________________________________________________________

4 – Robert and Jane _________ to school by bus in the morning. (to go)

Tradução: _________________________________________________________

Interrogativa: ______________________________________________________

Negativa: _________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ayslabmpinheiro90


1) They work hard every day.  

neg.:  They DON'T work hard every day.

int.:  DO they work hard every day?

2) He has a good job.  

neg.: He DOESN'T HAVE a good job.

ing.: DOES he HAVE a good job?

3) You do your best every day.  

neg.: You DON'T  do your best every day.

int.: DO you do your best every day?

4) She talks a lot every class.  

neg.: She DOESN'T talk a lot every class.  

int.:  DOES she TALK a lot every class?

5) I miss the English class.  

neg.: I DON'T miss the English class.

int.: DO I miss the English class?

6) We drink milk.  

neg.: We DON'T drink milk.

int.: DO we drink milk?


Que isso te ajude bjs : -)

keilamaiaf: muita obrigadaaaaa
keilamaiaf: muito *
keilamaiaf: tem como pôr a certa ?
keilamaiaf: hahaha
ayslabmpinheiro90: Denada
ayslabmpinheiro90: como assim?
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