Inglês, perguntado por pedrotrsz1, 6 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo, com o Past Continuous e depois marque a alternativa com a sequência correta dos verbos. I – The baby _________ (to cry) 10 minutes ago. II – Alan ______ (to smoke) his pipe in his room. III – Tom and Ted ____ (to look) at the car in the garage. *

a) was crying – was smoking – were looking.

b) was crying – was smoking – was looking.

c) were crying – were smoking – were looking.

d) were crying – were smoking – was looking.

e) was cry – was smoke – was looking.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bibita1996

I – The baby was crying 10 minutes ago.

II – Alan was smoking his pipe in his room.

III – Tom and Ted were looking at the car in the garage.

a) was crying – was smoking – were looking.        

b) was crying – was smoking – was looking.

c) were crying – were smoking – were looking.

d) were crying – were smoking – was looking.

Respondido por emoreiralira


qual e a alternativa correta

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