Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo com a forma negativa do verbo to be.
∙ Complete the sentences with the negative form of the ‘be’ verb.
1-I am hungry but Steven _________________________________________________
2. Sarah is late but I _____________________________________________________
3. Lions are dangerous but rabbits __________________________________________
4. My friend is at home but I _______________________________________________
5. Winter is cold but summer _______________________________________________
6. Paris is located in France but Rome _______________________________________
7. These cookies are delicious but those cookies _______________________________
8. The books are on the table but the computer ________________________________
9. I am twenty years old but you ___________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rdbordini


1 - is not

2 - I am not.

3 - are not.

4 - I am not

5 - Is not

6 - Is not

7 - are not

8 - is not

9 - are not


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