Inglês, perguntado por zannamotta06, 3 meses atrás

complete as frases a seguir subtituindo os substantivos destacados entre parênteses pelo PERSONAL PRONOUN mais adequado

A.)_______is dreaming. (George)
B.)_________is green (the blackboard)
C.)_______ are on the wall (the posters)
D.)________ is running.(the dog)
E.) _______are watching TV (my mother and i)
F.)_______are in tua Garden (the flowers)
G.)______is riding his bike (tom)
H.)______is from bristol (victoria)
I.) ______has for a brother (diana)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por paulazerbinattii


A.) HE is dreaming. (George)

B.) IT is green (the blackboard)

C.) THEY are on the wall (the posters)

D.) IT is running.(the dog)

E.) WE are watching TV (my mother and i)

F.) THEY are in tua Garden (the flowers)

G.) HE is riding his bike (tom)

H.) SHE is from bristol (victoria)

I.)  SHE has for a brother (diana)


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