Inglês, perguntado por Anonimo777bro, 8 meses atrás

Complete as conversas adequadamente

conversation 1:

A: Who are____ boys over there?
B:_____ Bill and Roy. They're brothers.
A:Where_____ ______ from?
B:They're _______ Alaska.
A: Really? what language do they speak?
B: They ______ English.
A: How old _____ _______?
B: Bill______ 8 and Roy ________ 10.

Conversation 2:

A: Is ______ beautiful girl your sister?
B: No, that's ___-- girlfriend
A: _____ pretty!
B: yes, she _____
A: how old_____ ______?
B: she's 17
A: And how old ______ ______?
B: me ? _______15.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por evellynkristina06


1)a- those

b- its

a- are they

b- from


b- speak

a- are they

b- have, hae


Respondido por catarsna
A: those

B: They’re

A: are you

B: from

A: -

B: speak

A: are you

B: is, is

Conversation 2:

A: this

B: my/ his/ her

A: She’s

B: beautiful

A: is she

B: -

A: are you

B: I’m
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