complete a conversa de acordo com as palavras do quadro
"click, hair, have to, did, enjoy, like, visa, go, look like, determined, as, blue, use, went, who"
Soluções para a tarefa
1- What does she look like?
She is tall and has blue eyes and brown hair.
2- And what is she like?
She is intelligent and determined.
3- I'd like to take a trip to Ottawa. What do I have to do?
Well, first of all, get a visa.
4- What do you enjoy doing when you travel?
I love going to the beach and chilling out.
5- Where would you like to go?
I'd love to go somewhere in South America.
6- Do you think cell phones should be allowed at school?
As I see it, they shouldn't be allowed at all. They can be very disruptive.
7- What do you use this for?
You use it to know where you are.
8- Do you know how to forward this e-mail?
Sure. Click on forward...
9- What did you do in this weekend?
I went to the movies
10- Who are they?
They are my neighbours Bob and Terry who live next door.