Inglês, perguntado por adeholiveira117, 9 meses atrás

complete a/an, quanda for necessário 1 . one of the drugs in______chocolate_____caffeine. 2.______cffeine is______stimulant. 3.pemberton was certain that he had found_______new medicine to relieve______headaches. 1886 coca-cola sold only about nine bottles______day. 5.that poem gives us the thoughts of indian on________life and_______death. 6.At________certain moment_______doctor will determine that______my life has stopped. 7.what happens when______child finds out that he or she is_______exact copy of his or her parent? 8.oscar Niemeyer is______architect who still dreams of _________better world. 9.Be________optimist and you will be ______happier person. 10.You' regoing to read about_______important' s about_______game.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

what's up!!!

1- A, A

2- A ,A

3- A ,an

4- A

5- A ,A

6- A ,A , A

7- A, An

8- An, A

9- An, A

10- An,A


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