Inglês, perguntado por layssa15evellyn, 10 meses atrás

Compete o e-mal com o present perfect dos verbos entre parentêses na afirmativa, negativa oi interrogativa.
Dear Helena
I'm sorry, I ______________ (not send) you an email for a long time. Lot of things ____________. (happen) I _________ (make) some good friends here. David ___________ (have) an accident oon his bike. Mum _____________ (start) working at a restaurant as a cook. David is fine, by the way, but he __________________ (not hear) from them for ages and I ___________ (forget) their email address. Say hi to yur sister. ________________ (She /stop) wearing those greean trousesr? I hope so. They really don't suit hear.
Love, linda

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitorags
Haven't sent
Has hapenned
Have made
Have had
Has started
Hasn't heard
Have forgot
Has she stopped (stop não lembro)?
Apenas bote em sequência
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