Inglês, perguntado por yasmincardosorodrigu, 9 meses atrás

Como posso passar para interrogativo?

She can make cake
I can play the electric guitar
You can borrow my eraser
He can help his mother tonight
I can ski
They can play football

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por heloo1598


Can she make cake ?

Can i play the eletric guitar?

LauraaaVidal: Can she make a cake?

Can I play the eletric guitar?

Can you borrow my eraser?

Can he help his mother tonight?

Can I ski?

Can they play football?
Respondido por CremildaBR


She can make cake.

Can she make cake?

I can play the electric guitar.

Can I play the electric guitar?

You can borrow my eraser.

Can you borrow my eraser?

He can help his mother tonight.

Can he help his mother tonight.

I can ski.

Can I ski?

They can play football.

Can they play football?


Frases com CAN na afirmativa é só mudar  o CAN para o início da frase e ponto de interrogação no final.

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