Inglês, perguntado por stellamaria123354, 1 ano atrás

como é formado o modo forma negativo do past continuous em ingles?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

past continuous = was/were + verbo no gerúndio (ing)

was é usado para i/he/she/it

were é usado para you/they/were

ambos was e were são formas no passado do verbo "to be". Quando uma frase tem verbo to be, ele mesmo age como auxiliar para colocar a frase na interrogativa ou negativa.

para colocar a frase na interrogativa, o verbo to be é passado para trás do sujeito:

she was running

was she running?

they were eating

were they eating?

para passar para negativa, basta acrescentar "not" ao to be, was vira "wasn't" e were vira "weren't

i was winning

i wasn't winning

you were getting there

you weren't getting there

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