Como conugar o verbo there is
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒There to be - verbo existir / ter
- There is - simple present - singular
- There is a girl here. - Há uma garota aqui.
- There is a man talking on the phone. Há um homem falando ao telefone.
- There are - simple present - plural
- There are five girls here - Há cinco garotas aqui.
- There are some boys playing soccer. - Há alguns meninos jogando bola.
- There was - simple past - singular
- There was a dog here. - Havia um cachorro aqui.
- There was a nice girl there. - Havia uma menina bonita ali.
- There were - simple past - plural
- There were many people around. - Havia muitas pessoas ao redor.
- There were kids playing golf. - Havia meninos jogando golfe.
- There will be - simple future - singular and plural
- There will be many people outside. - Haverá muitas pessoas lá fora.
- There will be a dog in the street. - Haverá um cachorro na rua.
→→ Estrutura There is / there are / there was / there were / there will be- Negativa
There is/there are... + not + complemento
There isn’t a car in the street.
There are not many books on the table.
There was not a blonde girl here.
There were not people at the mall.
There will not be cars in the street.
→→ Estrutura there is / there are / there was / there were / there will be- Interrogativa
Is / are + there + complemento + ?
Is there a girl in the kitchen?
Are there many books on the table?
Was there a blonde girl here?
Were there people at the mall?
Will there be cars in the street?
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