Inglês, perguntado por joicesilva1296, 8 meses atrás

Como coloco o verbo “to have” para a forma interrogativa e negativa? Ex: Susan and I have a house.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Susan and I have a house.

Susan and I don't have a house.

Do Susan and I have a house?


Interrogativa - Usa o auxiliar DO e DOES

Do - usado com I - you - We - They

Does - usado com He - She - It >> verbo volta para a forma original >> have

DO I have many friends?

DOES she have a lot of homework?

DO we have black cars?

Negativa >>> Acrescenta DON'T >> Do + not ou DOESN'T >> does + not após o sujeito e antes do verbo

Don't - após I - You - We - They

Doesn't - após He - she - it >>> verbo volta para a forma original >> have

I don't have many friends.

We don't have two sisters

He doesn't have English class tomorrow.

She doesn't have a lot of homework.

It doesn't have a toy.

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