Inglês, perguntado por araujomoveispaozhhl8, 10 meses atrás

Coloque os verbos entre parênteses no passado simple (Simple Past): (1.0 pt)
a) She .................. many e-mails last week. (to write)
b) We …………………… very good friends. (to become)
c) They ………………… to the club last weekend. (to go)
d) He ……………….. a very beautiful house. (to buy)
e) My grandfather …………………… when he was 90 years old. (to die)
f) You …………………a little sad yesterday! What happened? (to be)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. wrote

b. became

c. went

d. bought

e. died

f. were

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