Inglês, perguntado por kauaboehm69, 1 ano atrás

Coloque os nomes das atrações turísticas em Inglês no caça-palavras. 1. Museu 2.Floresta 3.Zoologico 4.praça 5.cachoeira ALGUEM ME AJUDA RAPIDO

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por zouy


1. Museum 2. Forest 3. Zoological 4. square 5. waterfall


gmmahface: vlw S2 :3
camilagura: Oi
Respondido por viniciuscoutinho90


Podemos entender por:

Museum: a place that objects of historical,artistic,cultural or scientific interest are stored and are show to the public.

Forest: a huge area that covers a massive land with trees, vegetation and animal life.

Zoo: a place or establishment that mantains a large amount of wild animals, usually in gardens or parks, with the main purpose of study,conservation or present these animals to the public.

Square: an open space or area that are surrounded by commercial or residential buildings in a city or a neighborhood.

Waterfall: a considerable amount of water falling from some height,formed by a river or stream that send this water to the precipice.

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