Coloque o poema abaixo na forma contraída e depois faça a tradução.
If I could
I would smile and tell pkes
I would help every child or animal
I would change the world
I wouldnt work all the time
I would dream more
I would dream more
I would fight for justice
I wouldnt hate
I would live life competely
I would belivere in dreams and miracles
And,above all,I would love.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Forma contraída
If I could
I'd smile and tell ?
I'd help every child or animal
I'd change the world
I wouldn't work all the time
I'd dream more
I'd fight for justice
I wouldn't hate
I'd live life completely
I'd believe in dreams and miracles
And, above all, I'd love
Se eu pudesse
Eu sorriria e contaria ?
Eu ajudaria toda criança ou animal
Eu mudaria o mundo
Eu não trabalharia o tempo todo
Eu sonharia mais
Eu lutaria por justiça
Eu não odiaria
Eu viveria a vida completamente
Eu acreditaria em sonhos e milagres
E, acima de tudo, eu iria amar
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