Inglês, perguntado por becker06outubrp8ji53, 10 meses atrás

coloque na forma interrogativa
1 there are some pencils in the box
2 there are some birds in the cage
3 she found some money
4 nancy bought some eggs
5 there is somebody in the house
6 there is something in the box
7 mary invited somebody to the party
8 you have some problems
9 there is somebody calling you
10 there is something to eat on the table

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por thaisggvv
Are there any pencils in the box?
Are there any birds in the cage?
Did she find any money?
Did nancy bought any eggs?
Is there anybody in the house?
Is there something in the box?
Did Mary invite anybody to the party?
Do you have any problems?
Is there anyone calling you?
Is there anything to eat on the table?

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