Inglês, perguntado por victorGomes01020, 5 meses atrás

Coloque em ordem. a) Opened. door been has the. b) On grass prohibited is walking the c)Breakfast at 8.30. is served d) that is shop. in English spoken e) The morning. were flowers this watered. URGENTE! RESPOSTAS EM INGLÊS!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por batad92015

a) The door has been opened

b) Walking on the grass is prohibited

c) Breakfest is served at 8:30

d) English is spoken in that shop

e) The Flowers were watered this morning

Respondido por aluc9


A pergunta ta meio confusa mas creio que seja assim:

a)the door has opened

b)Walking on the grass is prohibited

c) Breakfast is served at 8:30

d) English is spoken in that shop

e) The Flowers were watered this morning

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